ACE Funding

We have been lucky enough to be supported by a number of charaties. Please click on the logos of each to find out more.

They are able to provide school children in the Uk with a new pair of school shoes. Sal's shoes have provided us with a variety of sizes and styles to give out to our families in need.  If you feel this would help your family please contact your ACE Tutor or Miss Iles. 

Have provided us with filled pencil cases for our ACE pupils, to support them with their learning at home. 

If families are finding it difficult to put food on the table, which could be for a number of different reasons, we are able to issue emergency Foodbank E-Vouchers.  Chichester Foodbank are also able to offer a range of support including advice and signposting to different organisations that can help families through difficult times. Please contact your ACE Tutor or Miss Iles to access this.