At TPA we love to read! We prioritise reading to ensure that all of our children develop a love of reading. By the time pupils leave, they are fluent readers who understand what they read - reading a wide range of genres for their enjoyment.
In school, we have ‘Time to be Readers’ through several different strands during the school day - phonics (Read, Write, Inc), comprehension, vocabulary and fluency (Whole Class Reading), reading for pleasure at home (Accelerated Reader) and reading for pleasure at school (Read Aloud Time).
Every day, teachers share their love of reading through reading aloud high quality texts. These may come from our carefully mapped out reading spine or be books, stories or poems that teachers love. Our reading spine ensures that texts become progressively more complex year on year and that our children meet a wealth of diverse texts, authors, genres and themes.
Children will begin the Read, Write Inc programme in their last term of Nursery class and will remain on the programme until they are reading fluently with a good level of comprehension and speed. Our aim is for the majority of children to be off the scheme by the end of Year 1, however children will continue on the RWI programme until their phonic skills are secure.
Our Whole Class Reading lessons follow the TKAT Progression in Reading for Word Reading and Comprehension, which ensures that pupils build their reading knowledge and skills over time.
As well as our taught reading time, there is time within the school day for children to read their independent reading books and these books are taken home for additional reading time at home. We use Accelerated Reader to ensure that independent reading books are matched to children’s reading development and, through our whole school and class libraries, encourage children to explore a range of genres and interests in their book choices.