Attendance and Punctuality

Every opportunity will be used to stress to children and parents/carers the importance of regular and punctual attendance at school. 

Our Attendance and Punctuality Policy details the school’s approach to promoting excellent attendance and punctuality and the steps that we take as a school to ensure that children attend every day that they are well enough to do so and that they are on time. 

Parents/carers have a legal responsibility to ensure their child receives a suitable full time education and their child attends school each day and is on time.

It is important to set the expectation of good attendance right from the beginning of school so children grow up knowing the importance of being at school and being on time. 

If your child is absent from school you must inform the school, by telephone, e-mail or by letter, giving a reason for the absence.  Absences once reported are either authorised or unauthorised by the school.

Authorised absences would include time off for religious observance, medical appointments and genuine illness. Please note that the school has the right to ask for proof of medical appointments and confirmation from a medical professional if a child’s level of absence is a cause for concern over time.

Attendance Policy