Our Time to Be (TTB) Curriculum

Here at TPA, we intend our curriculum to support the Trust ambition that we 'inspire learners and change lives'. We aim for children to leave our school with the skills and knowledge needed for them to build their best possible future, knowing and remembering more as they move through their time with us.

We want to expand their aspirations beyond the limited experiences of our school’s demographic, offering them learning opportunities that expand their horizons, and preparing them to become global citizens.

Our unique Time to Be…curriculum allows children the opportunity to think about how what they learn links to a real life future for themselves, with each subject being represented by an image and a ‘tagline’ that makes them identifiable.  Within each subject, knowledge from previous year groups is revisited and builds understanding of key concepts allowing children to develop their understanding of these as they progress through the school. 

We have grouped our subjects into ‘teams’ to allow children to learn about and understand that there are links between and across subjects. Our Core Team is made up of Time to Be Readers, Time to Be Writers and Time to Be Athletes.  Our STEM Team includes Time to Be Scientists, Time to Be Computer Scientists, Time to Be Designers and Time to Be Mathematicians.   In our Cultural and Creative Team we include Time to Be Musicians, Time to Be Artists, Time to Be Linguists  and Time to Be Citizens.  Finally, the Humanities Team comprises: Time to Be Geographers, Time to Be Historians and Time to Be Religious Investigators.  

Our Time to Be Adventurers provides ‘out of classroom’ opportunities that offer wider experiences.  These are linked to ‘being’ in a particular curriculum area, allowing children to practise and apply skills learned in the classroom in a different context, and see this done in relation to different careers - linking to their learning in the classroom and enriching their understanding of the world.  The adventures are also intended to develop other skills in each child, linked to aspects of our RESPECT agenda - Relationships, Empathy, Safe and Sensible, Polite, Equity, Care and Tolerance.  

Learning over each term focuses on a school wide concept.  In the Autumn term the Key Concept is Empire; in the Spring, Unique Features and in the Summer Term the key concept is Legacy.  The knowledge and understanding that each child develops is demonstrated through answering a Key Question that relates to the Key Concept (see Themes Overview) Each year, the children revisit the same concept, recalling what they learned previously and building on this knowledge with a new topic.  

Our Whole School Progression Map and Timely Markers ensure that learning is linked to the National Curriculum, allows for progression in what children know and remember, and caters for the needs and abilities of all children.

Learning Launchpads and Lesson Launchpads

Children tackle their class Learning Launchpads daily.  These are slides that have been prepared to ensure that certain skills and knowledge are revisited in a ‘dripfeed’ basis and give teachers the opportunity to remind children of a specific skill or address a misconception - adapted to the individual learning needs of the class.

Lesson Launchpads begin each foundation subject session These focus on the recall and retrieval of knowledge and skills from last week, last term, last year…Different strategies are used to engage pupils in this recall - from Noughts and Crosses, to a blank diagram to label or a whiteboard quiz.

TPA Themes Overview