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At Tangmere Primary Academy we aim to ensure that every child aspires to fulfil their full potential, regardless of any difficulties or differences that they may have.  Therefore, we strive to ensure that all learners feel equally valued.

  •  All pupils make progress.
  •  We work closely and in partnership with parents/ carers as well as the children.
  • Special Educational Needs are identified as soon as possible and support/ strategies put in place to move children’s learning forward.
  •  We have a developing curriculum which enriches children’s life learning.
  • We work together with outside agencies and the local authority to get the best support for children with Special Educational Needs.
  • Staff are constantly developing their practice to deliver the best support possible.
  • Children’s learning is monitored regularly to ensure provision is appropriate and  moving learning forward. 

Identification of Need

Some pupils require additional or different support in order to meet their particular needs.  This number is continually monitored and updated throughout the year in conjunction with the class teacher’s pupil progress meetings.  Staff monitor the children’s progress in class alongside their termly assessment data, and those that are working below the expected level and meet the SEND criteria can be placed on the Special Educational Needs (SEND) register.  They include pupils with one or more of the following areas of need:

  • Communication and Interaction, eg. pupils with speech and language difficulties;
  • Cognition and learning, e.g. children with moderate learning difficulties or a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia;
  • Social, emotional and mental health e.g. pupils on the autistic spectrum or those who need support with managing their feelings and relationships with others;
  • Sensory and/or physical disabilities
  • In addition, some children may have medical needs

Parents are also an essential part of this process

Support for SEND at TPA

Staff carefully plan learning activities to enable all children within their class to access learning at the appropriate level for them.  At TPA our staff are trained to support children with speech and language difficulties, we have a trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and all staff have received a variety of training in supporting children with trauma and Mental Health First Aid training.  Staff are also trained to support children in a range of learning interventions.  The aim of intervention  is to support pupils in moving forward with their learning, narrowing the gap and to enable them to access the curriculum whatever their attainment.  There are two levels of support:

  1. School support: Support in small groups occasionally 1:1 plus support from outside agencies e.g. the Learning and Behaviour team
  2. A Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP): A very small proportion of pupils with more complex specific needs will require more specialist support.

Children that are on the SEN register usually have an SEND Support Plan.  This identifies their particular strengths, areas for development and strategies to support pupils.  Progress in this plan is discussed at the Autumn and Spring SEND parent meetings and in the end of year report.  In addition, pupils with EHCPs have an Annual review Meeting when parents, teachers and other professionals meet to review the pupils’ progress and to plan the support the pupil needs to meet the requirements for the plan for the following year.

Our SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) is Miss Bev Iles. 


