Eating and Drinking in School


Milk is provided free to all children until their 5th Birthday and available to pay for at a subsidised rate after this.  Children are able to drink their milk at mid- morning break/snack time.

All families who want milk (either free or subsidised) need to order this through cool milk.


Fruit is provided for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to eat at snack time.  Children in years 3-6 are invited to bring in a piece of fruit for a break time snack.


We encourage children to drink water throughout the day, especially after breaktime and PE.  Each child may bring a named plastic or metal, ‘sports’ type lid bottle of water in addition to their lunch time drink.  This will remain with them during the day for frequent sipping.  This is to help prevent dehydration and therefore help the children concentrate for longer periods.