TTB Musicians

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As Musicians we are engaging with fun and diverse musical experiences, inspiring us to express ourselves through song

At TPA, children will engage in music weekly, building their knowledge and understanding of the elements of music and developing proficiency. Through different musical experiences, they will nurture their love and appreciation of music in order to achieve personal music success, expressing themselves through different music mediums. We use a curriculum that works with leading music education organisations to build the foundations of musicianship so that all children can access music learning. 

Music will be taught through the key concepts of pulse, rhythm, pitch, structure and notation. Children will progressively build their understanding of these concepts in order to listen, compose and perform with growing precision and proficiency. Through this, children will make more music, think more musically and become more musical. 

Children will meet the aims of the national curriculum through:
  • Performing, listening to, reviewing and evaluating music across a range of historical periods. 
  • Learning to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others
  • Understanding and exploring how music is created, produced and communicated through: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.

