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TTB Adventurers
At TPA, we have developed a Time to Be… curriculum, as we strongly believe that children should be learning the skills, knowledge and understanding of the world that will prepare them for the future. We want children to understand that their primary school learning forms the foundations for the rest of their life.
As part of our Time to Be … curriculum, children have the Time to Be Adventurers, which are opportunities to have experiences outside of the curriculum. This range of adventures have been specifically selected to allow every child to have guaranteed exposure to ‘out of the classroom’ events that compliment their learning in the classroom and enrich their understanding of the world. Each year, the activities become increasingly ‘adventurous’ - in terms of content and the development of aspects of our RESPECT agenda - Relationships, Empathy, Safe and Sensible, Polite, Equity, Care and Tolerance. They build throughout the school, up to Year 6 where Time to Be Adventurers includes Year 6 in Charge Day and a three day residential visit.
Time to Be Adventurers can be viewed in the document below. Each item is colour-coded to link with the specific ‘team’ that the adventure relates to. At TPA we have grouped our curriculum subjects into teams, to allow children to understand that there are links and similarities across and between subjects. In Time to Be Adventurers, the different team adventures are mapped out across and between each year group, to allow children to keep revisiting elements of each team in different contexts.
“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting….so get on your way!” - Dr Seuss